Originally Posted by Brandon
Is the baby going to say "mom, I do not appreciate you going into the bathroom while I suck on your nipple"? Hopefully it doesn't say that! A baby has no authority. The mother is the mother. She chooses. And if you take a baby into a public restroom and you expose thy nipple, I'm sure that it's going to want to feast regardless of the location. Unless you have some sort of evidence that says babies respond negatively to being breastfed in bathrooms!
Because a baby doesn't know the difference? A lot of you are talking like the child is going to have an opinion about what's going on. It's not.
Babies have seriously under-developed immune systems and I would not consider it advisable to breastfeed in a public toilet. Little 'uns are way more suseptable to illnesses than you or I, you're just putting your baby at risk because people like you can't handle seeing a very small amount of breast. No thanks, I'd rather make sure my baby is safe and risk offending you.