Originally Posted by hopefaithlove
Common courtesy? To make your baby scream and cry because it's hungry??
Look back to the towel idea mentioned earlier as well. There are ways to make it less public, and I imagine there are nifty things you can buy if you don't want to use a towel. Waiting isn't the only option, but making it less public, in my opinion, is common courtesy.
Originally Posted by hopefaithlove
I'm sorry, but to those of you who are against it, you are incredibly immature and ignorant.
And your approach to those who disagree with you is incredibly immature and ignorant. I don't find it offensive/uncomfortable, but I can empathize with those that do. Like I said after the previous quote, there are ways of making the exposure less public that do not harm the baby at all. You can't tell me that the baby gives two hoots if there is a towel over them or not. They are so engrossed in feeding, I'll bet they probably don't even notice the difference.