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Name: Brandon
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:35 PM

What if your somewhere without public bathrooms, or the bathrooms are unhygienic and unusually filthy. I personally know of a few public toilets I don't even want to pee in, let alone breast feed a baby in.
Oh geez...not the "what if" scenarios. However, this is the only "what if" question that I will answer.

Typically, from what I've seen, the more public the restroom is...the less filthy/more hygienic. For instance...the pool that I went to over the summer was a private pool club. Bathrooms? Nasty as hell. The toilets weren't necessarily bad, but the bathroom in general was nasty. Gas station bathrooms? If you close the lid and cover the lid with some toilet paper or something, you're good to go. So if you go to a restaurant and the bathroom is filthy and such, then again...I'd file a complaint because it's not supposed to be like that. Now, let's just say that you were at my private pool and the bathrooms were nasty (the women's bathroom is considerably more nicer than the male's bathroom though). Typically, there's really not a whole lot of people at the pool to begin with. You could probably turn around and look towards the woods and people wouldn't notice what you're doing. Now, just because they don't notice, does that mean that it's okay to breast feed? If no one notices, then no harm no fowl. However, if I urinated in a plant while I was attending class and no one noticed, is that okay? It's okay to me because I wanted to piss in the plant, but just because no one saw me doesn't mean that my choice was justified.

That's a very easy thing to say... try being a breastfeeding mom and actually doing that.
Assuming that I was a breastfeeding mom, then I wouldn't breastfeed in public. If my baby so desperately needs milk in public, I'll pull out a handy dandy milk bottle for temporary use. Then once we get home, I'll pull out the girls in the comfort of my own home. Simple as that. Milk bottles are relatively cheap and effective. It gives the baby milk (maybe not as good as breast milk but still milk and still gets the job done). Everyone is happy.

When I was breastfeeding I had to be sitting somewhere with arm rests, or pile up a crap load of pillows around me. You have to be in almost perfect position to get the baby latched on just right. It'd be hard enough sitting on a bench or something... how in the heck am I supposed to breastfeed a baby in the restroom? Sitting on a toilet? Standing up in a stall? Impossible.
From what I've seen, the biggest difference from a restaurant seat and a toilet seat is the cushion. If toilets were cushioned, would you sit in one then? Other than cushioned seats, what other difference do seats have that toilets seats don't have? Toilet seats have butt support, you can lean up against the back. I mean, it is designed to be a seat after all.