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Name: Rach
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 09:28 PM

Is there any reason why you would breast feed in public when you can walk to a bathroom that's probably on the other side of the room and less than a minute of walking?
What if your somewhere without public bathrooms, or the bathrooms are unhygienic and unusually filthy. I personally know of a few public toilets I don't even want to pee in, let alone breast feed a baby in.

If all the other woman can't do that, then what gives a mother the right to show her boob to everyone? If you're going to breastfeed, then you need to keep your breasts out of site. Period. I don't care what's going on, I just don't want to see it. Babies need to eat, yes, but you need to have some respect for the public as well, you know?
What's saying other women can't. Getting your breasts out as a public display is completely different to breast feeding, if a woman can produce milk why cant she breast feed.
The benefits of breast feeding are huge, and not just because of the health benefits for mum and baby, but for the bonding aspects too. Everyone has the right to make their own choice's, but personally I cant understand why anyone wouldn't want to have that extra bit of bonding time with there child.

I can understand that seeing a woman breast feed can be uncomfortable to witness and make some people feel awkward... but so can many other 'acceptable' social situation's, and we all live with them. Most breastfeeding mothers make the effort to be discreet as possible and go some where other people cant see them... but its not always possible.

As for the 'I don't wee in public' argument... If you were desperate for the toilet and there was no where none public you can go, would you not use a bush, pee in a grid ect... So long as your pee doesn't get anywhere it shouldn't there's little issue. Public urination is a problem due to hygiene more than seeing peoples body parts.
Not only that but some place's (I know of many in the UK) that have public urinal's, Your pretty much visible to the world peeing in one of them things but there socially acceptable.

Ticklish Tattoo!

Last edited by topov; April 6th 2010 at 09:30 PM. Reason: hehe I said pee in a brush instead of bush