Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
Sex is important, but certainly not on the top of my list of important things. To be honest, it's probably not even near the top. I feel like as long as I'm in a relationship with someone that I really care about, that's what matters. As long as we can talk to each other, have a good time with each other, and trust one another, that's what matters. But, hey, if the sex is good, that's alright too. :]
And, I know I'm not a guy, but I'm going to give my input anyway.
I think that it really depends on the guy. Some guys are about the sex and do whatever it takes to "get their numbers up". However, that's not always the case. Sometimes things just happen when you're drunk. Other times, you're just not thinking straight and you do things that you'll later regret. OR there are also the times when something is going on in your relationship and you confide in someone about it and one thing leads to another. There are many, many reasons why someone would cheat on their boyfriend/girlfriend. That's not to say that any of the reasons are good enough to justify the cheating, though. No matter how you look at it, cheating is wrong. It can really hurt someone.
Edit- Woops! Forgot my question! For the guys: Describe your dream girl. From personality to beliefs to appearance.
It's not the be all and end all of any relationship. At this age, when hormones are starting to get crazy, it is advisable to stay in tune with your self first. Get to know yourself, mingle with friends or with singles just like you.
Why am I saying this, if you're not happy with your own yourself and how you react to people, you can never be happy in a relationship.