Thread: Religion.
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Angry Religion. - March 22nd 2010, 05:53 PM

I'm sorry in advance, but this is directed to over religious nuts who descriminate against homosexuality, and who refuse to accept other people's beliefs, without assuming we are going to be condemned to hell. I get this bull shit on here as well, hence me posting it.

So, firstly, I don't believe in god, it makes no sense that a magical man created the universe. It's simply retarded. Secondly, you say that he wants peace on earth etc, if he indeed does, then why do you depict him as a martyr? He would condemn anyone who doesn't believe to hell? He would condemn me for being a bisexual? If he is against it, and does indeed exist, WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE HAVE MADE ME BI. You prance around praising the lord, saying how he is this magical peaceful god who loves everyone yet anyone who doesn't fit the requirements is condemned to hell, is insulted or, even killed.

We generally don't assault your fucking 'sacred' religion, we don't look down upon people who believe, we simply don't agree, if the subject comes up. We don't pick on people because they are religious.

Religion has been the root of many wars, more lives have been lost in the name of religion than anything else. The holy bible was written by MAN. Not by god. Man wrote what rules THEY wanted to be followed, for all we know they added a whole bunch of bull shit, to what god actually wanted in there (again, if he does indeed exist).

Also, there are hundreds of gods to choose from, what exactly makes you think YOURS is the correct one. Maybe you are worshipping the wrong god, and are condemned to hell for it. How about that you fucking self indulgent pricks.

I go on about my own fucking business and get bombarded with this hypocracy constanly, I respect people for having their beliefs, but to descriminate in the name of your god is quite simply idiotic.

/end rant

Needed to get that off my chest.

Self pity will not rescue you.
Sometimes we have to save our own lives,
not because no one else cares, but because no one else can.

Life for you has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive is what makes us who we are.

Dreamed up the maps, give me the charcoal and the paper
We invent paths they cannot see, and they're too scared to walk

Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It's only after you've lost everything that you are free to do anything.