Thread: Triggering: Is this rape?
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Angry Is this rape? - March 20th 2010, 10:28 AM

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Well I have to different stories and Im not sure if I was raped/sexually assaulted .

FIrst story....:
I was hanging out with a guy I met on nexopia. We decided to drink a bit. The first 2 coolers I had I watched him open and give to me right away, I didnt feel anything after them. The third cooler I had, I didnt watch him get it and he seemed to be taking a bit longer than normal. half way through that drink, I was passing out. I barely even remember what hapenned the whole time at his house. I just remember him slapping me and trying to get me to get up because I needed to leave. I was lying on his living room floor naked and there was a used condom on the floor near me. He was also naked. I asked him what hapenned and he said nothing. I'm still not sure exactly what hapenned but I think that he did things with me while I was passed out. I don't know if this is rape or not. SOmeone help!!!

Second story.....:

I went to meet a different guy that I met on nexopia. He was 21, we went back to his house. We made out and started getting more into. I let him feel me up and touch me but when he went to take off my clothes I didn't want him to. I said no but he still did. He held me down and ate me out while I cried and pulled away, asking him to stop. After, he got on top of me and tried to hold me in different positions so that he could penetrate me but he couldn't get it to work so he finally stopped that. After, he made me take nude pictures. When I said I wouldn't do it, he threw me against a wall and slapped me. He told me that I had to because he said so. after that, his friend came home and could tell that something wasn't right so he offered to drive me home. I said no thanks but he drove me to the ctrain so that I wouldnt have to walk.
The guy, Anthony, kept telling me that I wanted it and no one would believe me if i said anything because according to him, what he did wasn't rape.

Please help me figure this out. I'm really confused. I've told one person, my youth leader at church. We havent got a chance to talk about what hapenned yet but I'm really nervous to tell him. Cause he wants me to tell him everything so that he can help me better. I trust him with everything but it's kinda weird to talk to him about sex stuff. Please help!!!!