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Storyteller. Offline
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Jeez, get a life!
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - March 19th 2010, 07:46 AM

I voted 'I think I may have one' because I know something's not right in my mind. So far I've only been to one psychologist, who said I wasn't depressed, but possibly had anxiety issues. I didn't like her though, so I never saw her again.
Other than that, I don't quite know what's wrong with me. It's kind of hard, not knowing and all, because I'm tempted to do some researching on mental illness, to see if any of that explains how I feel/act/etc, but every time I've done that I've kind of latched onto the idea of a certain illness and gone 'Oh, yep, that explains everything', which really isn't helpful.
So for now I'll just sit tight and safe in my ignorance, I suppose.

"Love means never having to say
you're a werewolf."