Bloody idiots... i wish they could understand how much they can hurt someone...
Anyway, this is some of the more difficult problems cause your away from the bullies now but the affects still haunt you. And your right, this is now either deppression or anxiety. And if you really want these feelings to go away, You should muster your strength together and find professional help. You may think they might not want to help you, but thats the anxiety speaking, so don't listen to it. Councilers are always happy to help.
If you don't feel you can do that you can also try over the phone councilling. (search around the forums here, Somewhere theres a thread with a load of contacts on it.)
I'm sorry, I'm not sure how to address this problem, I only know how to stop bullies not remove the damage they cause. But I assure you Professionals are the best help you can find.
Oh and about your skin, I think how you look at it and see your past is a form of post traumatic stress disorder. Councillers and psychiatrist can help with that too but if you want to get rid of the marks, theres always some kind of treatment out there for anything, you just have to look for it.
I hope everthing goes well, try your hardest and you WILL come out on top