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Beautiful_Disaster Offline
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Name: Aimee
Gender: Female
Location: UK

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Join Date: March 11th 2010

Re: Do you have a mental illness? - March 11th 2010, 05:52 PM

I've been diagnosed with the following;
Eating Disorders, ADHD Combined, Emotional Dysregulation, Severe & Complex Emotional Needs, Receptive Language Difficulties, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Depression.

The strong possibilities that I could have;
Borderline Personality Disorder & Dependent Personality Disorder.
I also am suspected to be on the Autistic Spectrum.

I also struggle with Self Harm (since 7 yrs of age), and Alcohol & Drug Addictions.

It's pretty crappy, but I try really hard to cope on a daily basis.

I have been bullied & abused because of my MH problems, especially by family members & in the past, from people at school, also online.

I've gained a lot of insight and understanding.