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MadPoet Offline
You're the Original <3
Outside, huh?
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Name: Amanda.
Age: 29
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Location: Michigan.

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - March 10th 2010, 08:36 PM

I'm sorry I have emotions. There were things I used to expect in life. Things that most people live with, and can't imagine living without. And I don't get them anymore. We're always fighting, and it seems like it's impossible to be unhappy. I try to talk to you and let you know that I'm not happy, but you never listen. You never care. And even if you do care, you make no effort to help improve things for me. I thought you were my mom, and you were supposed to provide for me. But it seems like I'm the one who always has to be YOUR cheerleader. Why can't I just be a teenager? I feel like I carry the emotions of a 47 year old. I just want to be free of them. I just want to be me again; the me without the stress and the burdens. But I guess you don't understand anymore...

A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts

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