I was 21 when I got pregnant. I do not regret having my son... but I should have waited, no doubt about it. I know everyone says this... but if I could have the exact same baby, only 5 years later, I'd do that! lol. I had him toooo early. No matter how ready, prepared, stable, you think you are... the longer you wait the better!!!!!
I feel that finances play a major major role in your decision to have a child. The only reason my boyfriend and I get by is because he went to college and was able to get great paying job... Even then, we still have our moments where we struggle and we wonder how we'll make it several years down the road. If I was on my own, there would be no way. I'd be living at home relying on family to support me. I'd be miserable.
Also, don't think for a second having a baby with make an existing relationship better. I never fought with my boyfriend until I had my son. A lot of stress and exhaustion has been created and it puts a huge strain on our relationship. There have been multiple times where I thought we were over. I never had that thought previously.
Having a child does put a joy and love in your heart that is indescribable. I would do anything for him, no matter how crazy he drives me (and some days its very crazy
). They cry, and whine, and want all of your attention all day long. Most of the time I can't even pee without hearing him whimper in the other room. They get upset and sometimes there is nothing you can do to calm them down. No one fights sleep better than a baby. My son takes hours of whining to get to sleep for the night sometimes. Oh and not to mention he just started sleeping through the night. My son woke up every 2-3 hours for three months, he went to bed at 11 and was up for the day again at 6 (while still waking up to eat in between). Its eeexxxhhhaaauusssttiiinnggg. No joke.
So, yeah, babies are wonderful and great and a miracle! They have there many many hard moments, but they also have their moments where they do amazing things that make your heart melt and make it all worth it.
Buuut, dont rush please! You have many many years to experience it. The more prepared you are, the less stress you will have. The part that makes being a parent so hard for me is I have too many things to stress over. I couldnt even imagine doing it on no income and with a man who ended up not being there to support me.