Originally Posted by DeadlySin
Any system of beliefs can be a religion. So Atheism IS in fact a religion.
So loving a certain hockey team while rejecting others is a religion? It's religious to go to a game and cheer for your favourite team while booing when the opposing team scores? In this sense, fans of certain sport teams are religious whereas people who are not as devoted and watch simply to enjoy are not religious. This is the problem when you begin saying any system of beliefs constitute a religion; students who worry about up-coming tests are adhering to a religion, people who love one band but dislike another are religious and so forth. Thus, while you've argued atheism is a religion, you also have argued sports, school and pretty much everything can be a religion, so that's not a terribly great argument.
Your argument is further weakened because you state a "system of beliefs". Atheism is not a system of beliefs, it's one belief and that's of no god or higher being existing. Hence, your definition of religion excludes atheism so you have no argument to suggest otherwise unless you change your definition of religion.