March 3rd 2010, 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Blazer
Atheism is a lack of belief in a god and even if you consider that a belief then it is still not a religion. One belief does not make an entire religion. So it ISN'T a religion.
Expressing lack of a belief in something is in fact a belief. The problem is that without God, atheism must come up with thoughts concerning the nature and purpose of our universe, much like religion tries to explain and though none of this can be proven 100% fault proof it is thus a faith. If it is a faith shared by a group of people it is condoned a religion. Many atheist have different thoughts on different aspects of life or if you wish specific doctrines. Therefore if you wish to say that atheist embrace different beliefs, true. However, Christians share different beliefs but one universal belief that Jesus is God and Savior of the world (most of them anyways). Between the lines and in the gray there is a numerous amounts of beliefs. May I even suggest that not even a single Christian shares the same exact beliefs on other doctrines apart from the redemption of sinful man by Christ. Therefore this is a single belief yet qualifies us as a religion simply because it is a deity. However, as mentioned a deity is not needed to condone a religion. Therefore I would suggest there are even practicing atheist in that many are worshipers of self doing what pleases them and though you may not consider self to be your "lord" I would revise otherwise. Not only this there are many idols within the atheist community, Dawkins being one of many.
I can drag on, but either way I believe they are refusing the word because they do not want to be considered a religion. Even though they are just in fact that. If it is not a religion an atheist should no longer refer to themselves as thus (atheist) because in saying such it is promoting a sect of beliefs that they have concerning the nature and cause of the universe. I am certain majority of people know what an atheist and separate them amongst a group of people as people separate Christians as another group of people. In other words, we stereotype such as a religion; much like people do Christianity. If you do not have a sect of beliefs concerning the nature and cause of the universe that coincide with other people than this would be nullified as a religion. However, since you consider yourself amongst a group of people I think it redundant to say it is not a religion. None the less, I don't think it matters either way. I was just curious because in my mind it qualifies as a religion. I suppose it's relative though.