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Katrina Offline
you only live once.
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Name: Katrina
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Join Date: January 5th 2009

Re: The Compliment Thread! - January 26th 2009, 05:29 PM

Briana - Thank you for the nice words, Bri! I looked at your cute pigtailed pictures in your profile of you after having surgery where you look like you have no idea what's going on. So, so innocent. If only that was really the case. xD I'm just kidding. You're a strong-willed glob of awesome. [:

thatguy74 - Josh, Sarah's right. I think you're cute as well, in a lovable, sisterly type way. I especially LOVE your To Write Love on Her Arms shirt in your avatar picture. It's an amazing organization and we'll definitely have to talk about it sometimes--I love hearing what others passionate about the movement have to say.

.Sarah. - Sarah, I'm glad we got to chat a wee bit this morning. Apologies for never iniating conversation; I really fail at doing that with everyone, not just you. xD Anyway, I hope you've gotten everything with the apple sorted out and aren't stressing over that anymore. Talk to you soon - you're lovely!

Hyper Sonic - Lee, one of my O&P friends! Cheers for us talking to each other more lately--we'll have to keep that up. [: You're always incredibly willing to help with school work, as Alex insinuated in his compliment to you, which I think is a great, selfless compliment. Also, for the best compliment ever, your hair is exactly like mine! =P [Please realize I'm kidding about that being the best compliment ever--I'm notttt that full of myself!].

- Hey best friend! I say this only because I do consider you one of my best friends here at this lovely place we try not to speak of, but fail miserably at doing so, on MSN. You're the only person who probably has enough patience to deal with my stubborness when I won't blurb, but also listen to me for hours at a time when I will [remember all those days over Christmas break before California? Oh lawdy..].

Lel - It always brightens my day to see your bubbly username in the chat room! You're a joy to associate with and talk to, and I love your little custom user title. Yay for French.

Like myyyy taste in Sonic slushies. xD