Originally Posted by Vlora
I consider religions to be beliefs, theism is a believe therefore atheism is a religion, thats my view on it.
So this means you then are religious that theism and atheism are both religions. So in other words, people have religions of religions of religions of religions ad infinitum? For example, I believe that I'll do good on my test because I believe I have studied enough, which is based on my belief of more studying benefits test scores and my belief of quality of studying benefits test scores. Hence, I have a religion of a religion of a religion of a religion. Also, people could abandon their beliefs (i.e. I could change my belief on amount of studying is good) so I'm no longer religious to that. This means people are constantly making and abandoning and editing their apparent religions. You'll find most people will say this idea of what a religion is, is simply so vague because there is a difference for most people between a religion and a belief.