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Beautiful Disaster Offline
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Re: I can never settle on a religion? - February 21st 2010, 06:20 PM

Hi Caspia,

You probably aren't doing something wrong. I have been back and forth as well, trying to find out what's what, it's something most people do. It's normal around this age to have doubts and struggle with what we believe.

It's good that you want to believe in God, I think it's positive that you know what you want to achieve. Is there anyone in your church (if you go to one) or around you that you could have a chat to about it? A pastor, youth worker, friend? Someone like that could help, as they are likely to have gone through a similar thing before.

In terms of praying, answers don't always come straight away. God waits for the right time to reveal himself to you. I never used to feel anything after praying, but more and more I'm understanding how God influences the things around us, so it may not seem like a direct answer or the answer you want, but perhaps it's happening.

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you pray for/about? Is there anything you can put your finger on around these times that could be the reason you fall away from God?

Keep searching <3

Last edited by Beautiful Disaster; February 21st 2010 at 06:21 PM. Reason: sorry, missed a word out!