Originally Posted by l0stCause
religions r based on faith faith is believing in sumthing even though there is no real evidence of it what do athiests believe in that would be described as faith?
Everyone has faith, however, not everyone has religious faith. An example of this non-religious faith would be as follows: you're the age you say you are on here (18). Do I have any direct evidence to confirm your age you displayed on here is your actual age (i.e. not 18)? No. Thus, I have to assume or go on faith that you are not lying and are being truthful about this. Atheists use faith just as much as theists do, however, they may not use a specific type of faith, which I term to be religious faith. Another example: I go to a store and I see that lettuce is marked to be from a certain country. Do I have any direct evidence of that? No. Do others? Yes. Thus, I go on faith that the lettuce is actually from that place even though I personally cannot verify it.
So, yes atheists use faith, however, it's not religious faith.