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Name: Rachel
Age: 32
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Join Date: January 6th 2009
Re: Tattoo suggestions... -
February 19th 2010, 08:32 AM
See I thought about the chrysanthemum idea once before but this is what one looks like....
and this is what the tattoos look like...
and I just don't like how they look as tattoos. Also I would have to be big to get the detail of the flower and the 2 doves would have to be bigger to be able to carry it.
Then I don't think this will fit on my shoulder blade.
Same with the 2 carrying a banner, that would probably have to go across my whole back with a dove on each shoulder blade.
Another memorial idea I have is to get a ring with topaz stones and get it engraved or something. I like the idea of a tattoo more, it is permanent and would never got lost or stolen.