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Re: Scared of what the doctor might tell me -
February 15th 2010, 11:23 PM
Hey there,
I know exactly how you are feeling. I remember when I first really noticing that things were not going good for me and that I needed to seek help I didn't want to because I knew they would want to put me on medicine.
I was against medicine because of a lot of my family's view on it and I didn't want society to label me. However, I knew getting help was more important and so I went and talked to someone. They did end up putting me on meds but they went really slow with it and now about 2 years later I am making the decision that meds are not the right thing for me and I am working with my doctor to get off meds.
So, even if your doctor were to put you on meds after you were more stabilized for a certain amount of time you could consider going off of it.
Also, Lizzie is right, there are other options besides medicine. The thing is you have to communicate to your doctor the fact that you do not want to be on medicine. Doctors try and listen to what their patients want because they know that the patient knows themselves best.
So, go in to your doctor and make sure they understand what is going on. Don't turn away from the help you can get because of medicine because if your doctor knows this I am sure he/she will try their hardest to keep you off of medicine.
Lastly, if you were to be put on medicine no one would have to know. If someone saw you taking pills you could tell them it was for your 'asthma' or something else. You do not have to tell people that you are struggling with this until you are ready. And, to be honest, more people understand where you are coming from when it comes to dealing with depression.
Please hang in there and if you ever need to chat feel free to pm me.