i'm really worried i might be pregnant, i have all the symptoms such as stomach cramps, missed period, cravings, mood swings, etc but i haven't had proper sex recently enough to be pregnant now. ive had direct contact with like the pre cum stuff which i think can make u pregant but it just seems so unlikely. i do have a paranoid nature but all the symptoms seem to fit pregancy. i was just wondering if there is any evidence of anyone who has actually had a baby without having penetrative sex?
i'm 17 and i'm planning to go to uni this year so obviously it would be a rele bad time to have a baby...
also i have been binge drinking, probly about 3 times since i thought i might be pregnant. my friend did this when she was about a month preganant (without knowing) and she miscarried. i don't belive in abortion or anything so idk what to do if i am pregnant cos i've always wanted babies but just not at this time in my life!!
i dont know if anyone can actually help i think i'm mainly just venting my feelings out but please suggest anything if u like

x x