Re: Why don't you consider Atheism a religion? -
February 11th 2010, 02:30 PM
The way I see it, religion is more of an organized system of beliefs and philosophical principles, as opposed to a belief, which is simply an idea. Sounds weird, but let's compare atheists to modern Satanists: Satanists don't believe there is a God or an afterlife, and that individuals should treat themselves as their own God. They have a set of nine statements and eleven rules that they follow. They all mostly agree with and act upon the same principles, in other words. Atheists believe that there is no God and no afterlife too, but that doesn't necessarily make it a religion. Not all atheists follow the same exact beliefs. Some atheists go by one scientific theory, some go by another. Sharing a system of beliefs and sharing a few beliefs are not the same thing.