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Re: Why don't you consider Atheism a religion? - February 11th 2010, 05:34 AM

Originally Posted by Yen View Post
Funny, the only ones who seem to care whether or not it's considered a religion are religious people trying to tell atheists how stupid they are and how they're going to burn if they aren't saved.


P.S. No, not directed at you Michael
I'm sorry, but this post really ticked me off. I'm a Christian, and I don't believe any of the things you've stated here. I can understand why you believe these things, and a lot of Christians are idiotic like this. But why would you assume that every single Christian is out to get you? I am fine with you having your own beliefs, it's really none of my business. I'm not going to shove you into a bunch of fire and scream "SINNER!"

One thing I think people forget is that it's not just Atheists that are persecuted for what they believe. There was a time that Christians were slaughtered for believing in God. So no one is innocent when it comes to religious battles, including atheists. We all play a part in the disagreement, whether we choose to or not.

I don't sit saying "I hate atheists," nor do I feel sorry for them. Atheists are people, and so am I. I don't see people as Christian, Atheist, Deist, Agnostic, etc. I see them as people. If they aren't Christian, that is something I can overlook. However; not all Christians are like this, and neither are all Atheists.

As for the actual question....

I think Atheism is a religion, but is often not thought of as one, because atheists do not believe in a higher power, or "divine being.' Commonly, people who belong to religious groups believe in and worship such a being. So, since atheists don't, some people simply don't consider them as religious, which makes sense when you think about it. If they don't believe, how can they be considered religious?

I also don't think that people who deny atheism to be a religion mean any harm, or mean to insult atheists. It's simply how they say things, and it shouldn't be seen as undermining atheists.

A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts