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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Why don't you consider Atheism a religion? - February 11th 2010, 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by Yen View Post
Funny, the only ones who seem to care whether or not it's considered a religion are religious people trying to tell atheists how stupid they are and how they're going to burn if they aren't saved.


P.S. No, not directed at you Michael
Regardless of if it's directed at me, I'm just confused why atheist are opposed to being regarded as religious. They may not practice certain things to a degree that other religions do, but it's still a shared belief of unbelief, there's seminars, etc. IDK, to me it just comes of as being religious they just don't want to be considered religious because when you slap the religion title on it that makes you "ignorant" if you follow a religion. I'm not really going to debate with anyone, I'm just curious as to why? I mean I guess when I was agnostic I didn't consider myself religious, I just didn't really care -- so I guess I can empathize in that tense but I'm talking about neo-atheist such as followers of Dawkins, and misotheist.

I mean technically I am a Christian because I am a follower of Christ, hence CHRISTian and there are atheists who are followers of other leading atheist, which technically is no different than what I am doing, yet I am considered "religious" amongst atheist.

But really it probably matters as much why the word "might" or "bat" has more than one meaning... just pure curiosity more than anything.