I was just wondering why other posters may have used drugs or alcohol at some point or another. I was addicted for a while to alcohol and dxm a couple of months ago, but it was definitely one gateway to the next and it would have gotten much worse. Overdosed on one such 'experiment' and had to be hospitalized for a day. Luckily was able to beat the habit. My friend had to come down for an intervention, in short - I truly believe he saved my life before I let it completely consume me.
I turned to drugs because I thought it was easier to have my mind gone rather than living. It was better feeling nothing rather than feeling like nothing. In short, the absence of my biological father and knowing he's a criminal made me turn to substances. First alcohol, but it made me feel down afterwards. Then drugs.
Just got finished reading 'Snow Birds Don't Fly' and it really hit home for me:
Made me start to question what makes others turn to drugs. Only accepting what I was trying to run away from helped me find the way out.