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ColoradoXLove Offline
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Unhappy Rape caused break up - February 4th 2010, 11:41 PM

Last summer I was rapped by one of my friends. I started dating my (ex) boyfriend in august and we talked about it. After telling me how dumb I was about it he would randomly bring it up here and there, but today... He was tickling me and we were joking around and stuff and I was trying to get him to stop tickling me and all of a sudden he stood and said, "So I have a question, how come you can fight me off, but not him?". I told him that the guy who did that to me is stronger. My boyfriend immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me off of his couch to the floor and screamed "get the f**k out of my house". I was so terrified that I ran shaking out of his house. Just now on the phone he toldd me that I insulted him, and he then called me a whore and broke up with me.

I need someone elses input please.... i need help