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  (#23 (permalink)) Old
WhisperingSilence Offline
Voldermorts Stalker
I can't get enough
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Age: 34
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Re: Do you have a diagnosed physical or mental disability? - January 29th 2010, 05:43 PM

i have ADHD afects my concentration and i can be very hyper at time and talkative and people find it hard to get me to be quiet at times, this means i am very senstive to e numbers and additives that are in food some drinks like oasis i cannot have because of all the colorings and e numbers in the drink, as pergers (form of autisim which affects how i understand how people feel, how i see thing i.e. if someone says to me oh look theres a flying pig i will look around expecting to see a flying pig, and it also makes socialising hard as i cannot tell when someone is being carcastic or serious, i cannot read body language or understand body language), i also have dyspraxia which means that im clumsy and am un co ordinated it also means that i get my left and right mixed up alot and it also means i find it hard to judge spaces and have poor spacial awarness and it also means i have slight lisp i have trouble with my w's and r's (if im on the phone to someone rocky comes out as wocky, and worry comes out as wowwy, it also means i am known to stumble over my words and talk really fast. and i have math dyslexia (dyscalculia) which means that i read some numbers back to front, have trouble setting out sums, drawing bar graphs on graph paper, can't make sense of long number sequnces or short number sequences, when counting i miss numbers out or start to count backwords, i have trouble memorising numbers and phone numbers, and the numbers move about the page. i have been diagnosed - with anixeiy, low self esteem, depression, low self confidence. i have been on ritalin and concerta and fish oils tablets for the ADHD but i am no longer on them and am not taking any medication of any sort at the moment.