Re: Say something you wish you could say... Volume 2! -
January 21st 2010, 07:51 PM
To: My ex...
I'm going to delete every email you've ever sent me now... I used to reread them and it made me feel good knowing how happy we were. Now they just remind me of how it all went so, so wrong. I can't even see why I was in love with you to start with. We're nothing alike, and you... god you're mean... it's been a year and I'm ready to completely erase you. I no longer think of when I was happy with you. All I can think of is every shitty thing you said to me. I'm not crazy, and I'm sure as hell not stupid. I'm not weak and I don't need anyone to take care of me. My poems and stories I write aren't "fake shit". I'm not a horrible person in love with death and killing things and being a fucking miserable "emo" like you believe. I'm a vegetarian for fucks sake. If I'm not happy it's cause SOMETHING'S WRONG! You think you're so much fucking better than everyone else. And yeh, I'm sorry you're life is so fucked and you've lost so many friends and family members, but what about us still living eh? You'd rather blow your chance with us that realize nothing lasts forever and use it to your advantage... I was there for you when she died. And for months and months I had to listen to stories about a girl I didn't even know and how much you loved her. And how she was your "best friend". And then how your ex-girlfriend was your "best friend" who you could talk to about anything and you loved her so freakin much. Apparently I never was that person!! Fuck, every girl you know was an ex... and you liked them all more than me. Bet you never told any of them to stop complaining, get over it, and to kill themselves... And your precious state with your precious lakes, putting down my home whenever possible and not listening to a damn thing I had to say to defend myself. You never listened to me and I'd just agree with you cause I can't fight with ignorance... The only good thing about those fucking lakes is the boat ramps where I'd park my car and know that at any given moment I could hit the gas and drive right into the water. So you pissed me off and I got wasted and kissed some guy I hate. You forgot about you kissing your ex... which I stupidly forgave you for. Couldn't forgive me tho could ya. Just had to keep pushing me til I reached the point of hating myself and you. I'm just over it... I'm over you... completely. I've moved on, and I've found a guy who actually likes me for being me. And I care about him a lot. He's never told me anything you have, actually he says the exact opposites. And! He can spell!! haha, yes! That's right, your constant grammar errors bothered the hell out of me beyond belief! You couldn't even spell my name half the time. But HE uses words that I use, and phrases that I do. We've got the same mind going and it's awesome... So yes, I'm over you. Time to delete you. I know you want to be friends still, and I'll be nice and reply every once in a long while with generic conversation, but that's it. And if that hurts, you brought it on yourself. Good-bye.
P.s. you never wanted to admit it, but you were an alcoholic, seriously. Get help if you haven't yet.
With immense satisfaction and relief,
-Let the Music Play- "There's no way to explain why life is filled with so much pain. But do the flowers ever grow in the places it don't rain?"
"But the unfortunate truth is that, while being different from everyone else can be exciting at first, ultimately it can get a little lonely."
"The floor seemed wonderfully solid. It was comforting to know I had fallen and could fall no further."