Heyy! I just saw "trans" and imediatly clicked on tis post ^^! I don't really know what to say, aside from, congratulations!!! It's an amazing step to put two and two together, I myself have recently come to terms with my gender issues(mtf).
As for comming out on
th, I think you just did.

That alone took alot of guts, good for you! As for what Rabbit said, you will be really surpised at how people take it on here. I've made a few friends(Rabbit including) when I came out on here. We are ALL here for you!
PM me anytime if you EVER need to talk, I may not know much about how it feels to be ftm, but I know what it's like to be trans period, so I can help and support as much as I can!
Love Alice <3
as for names, just google some names and try and find ones you like, I myself and not totally 100% on mine still, even though I love this name and already respond to it in person. ^^
I will
PM you a couple of sites, mainly because I am not sure if we are allowed to post sites or not.