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niente_ Offline
Ex band geek, but still proud.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say... Volume 2! - January 19th 2010, 12:45 AM

Okay. I think I might have gotten over it now,
It was my fault that I found out anyway.
Of course you'll always love her, just like in a way I'll always love Andy. The only difference is that you're still in contact with her. She was your first love and your first everything. Of course you'll always have some kind of feelings for her.
I promise not to go on your facebook again. I just wish I knew what you were both saying.
You were lovely to me tonight ...
I'm sorry for my moods. If you werent there I don't know what I'd do.
If I'm honest I think too much of my life lies on you.
But I love you. I really do. And maybe I'll let myself think that you love me.
True, you loved her, and probably always will ... but you're with me for a reason, yeah?
You wouldn't make me wear your shirts when I was cold if you didn't care about me. You wouldn't pull me close and give me cuddles ... and you wouldn't have done all those nice things on my birthday if you didn't love me at least a little bit, right?
And today when you said "I can easily get lost in your eyes" and "Your smile makes me happy" it was really nice.
Thank you and I love you darling. You are perfect xx

Sometimes it's better to forget how you feel
and remember what you deserve

S. M ... still in my heart, forever
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