Thread: Alcohol
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Re: Alcohol - January 17th 2010, 09:04 PM

drink a pint of water before you start on the alcohol and then another pint before you got to bed and hangovers shouldn't be too much of a problem.

If you're drinking spirits like vodka or rum, mix it with coke or lemonade or something and don't put too much alcohol in it (like only 1 shot of alcohol in a glass of soft drink). If It's alcopops maybe only have a maximum of 1 every half hour and see how you go. It's different for everyone as we all have different tolerances. Maybe have some snacks with you or something so you won't be drinking constantly?

You should be fine as long as you don't drink too quickly. you don't want to be throwing up from drinking too fast. Your friend will probably tell you if you're drinking too fast lol.

Yeah, just don't overdo it and make sure you're somewhere safe.
Good luck. x