So i have severe dyspraxia and scotopic sensitivity syndrome and with these i have low muscel tone, ligament laxity and chronic ankle instability although i don't consider any of the last 3 an actual disabilty or really to be honest scotopic sensitivity syndrome and most of the time i barely consider my dyspraxia a disability lol
But what all this actually means is as far as dyspraxia goes, i have very very bad hand-eye cooridnation, bad balance, bad spacial awareness i find organisation hard i have to like be overly organised or i get nothing done hmmmm i find social signals difficult to detect which is fine as everyone knows it.
Scotipic sensitvity sydnrome just means i have to wear funky coloured glasses when i'm reading mine are teal

because i have a hyperactive optical nerve that processes too much light, it's actually kinda cool cos when i wear my glasses the world is just less bright but for my friends it's green which i always found super intresting
and the rest of it just means that my joints hate me and pop in and out of place at will and i have lots and lots of physio lol
over all to be honest i'm of the opinion things like that make you, you and i get extra time in exams and laptops and i deal pretty good