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FeelsLikeFalling Offline
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Name: Rachel
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Location: New Zealand

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Re: Say something you wish you could say... Volume 2! - January 11th 2010, 11:47 AM

I don't care how petty I sound, but I don't want to be your friend anymore. All you do is lie, and ignore me, until you need something from me, and then I'm your best friend again. You desrcibe our friendship as us being there for each other whenever we need each other, I describe it as you treating me as a doormat and I'm totally sick of it. You're just like ******, in every way, the lying, the using, the total disregard for everyones feelings except your own, and what makes it worse is you're completely oblivious to the fact that you do any of this, and when I try and talk to you about this, you flip this on me and blame it on me. You cross the line with everyone, and I'm so sick of you talking crap about my friends, the ones who are actually there for me, just because they want nothing to do with you because they see how you treat me and everyone in your life. It's your fault they aren't around anymore, you stopped speaking to them for over a year, and then acted shocked when you took your head our of your own little world for long enough to realise they no longer invited you to anything, or had any contact with you anymore. Oh, and about the crossing the line thing? With my mum, you went so far over the line, that it's like you dropped 10,000 bombs on it. Funny thing is, I don't think anyone has ever come close to being able to cross the line with her, so I guess that says something pretty bad about you.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

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