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Ryan1 Offline
A Man Of My Word
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Name: Ryan
Age: 33
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Exclamation How popular [activity-wise] are you on the TH forums? - January 3rd 2010, 07:29 PM

How popular are you on the TH forums?

Basically you just rate the user above you on how many times you’ve seen them - not how much you like them. (That’s every important that everyone understands that.)

This is a fun little forum game I like to play, here are the rules.

- You have to rate the person above you 1 being the lowest 10 being the highest.
- Rate the person how how many times you've seen them / NOT how much you like them!

So here’s how it works,


Me: First Post!

User A: I’ve seen you once or twice you get a 3/10

User B: Hmm never seen you before 0/10

User C: OMG I see you everywhere! 10/10

That’s all there is to it! Let the games begin!