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sw33t&sourcandii Offline
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III - January 3rd 2010, 04:49 AM

Atheist- Agnostic.
I believe that there's something-someone higher...
but i dont believe in anything dealing with the bible,
or that higher someone is protecting you and guiding you in anyway..
your life is yours, not made step by step. . .
maybe the bible is a quideline of "perfection"
but i dont believe that theres someone listening to your prays
or making your life something to make you stronger.
you make the choices,
you make the steps,
you learn from what you witness
you learn from what you go through,
you make the outcome,
you deal with the outcome,
you deal with it alone
you come into the world alone,
and you die alone,
no happy endings,
no shining place up above,
no pretty little girl with wings
or a man with a body sculptured perfectly
this is the life you live, and you die
becoming the next piece of dirt. . .
we create a cycle. . . until it comes to an end. . .

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