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RelFf Offline
A bit of an Ol' Nutter
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Name: ArielleDawn (Abbott)
Age: 31
Gender: Erm... mm let's just say human... with lady parts... (but trans)
Location: Door Cty, Wisconsin, USA

Posts: 95
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Join Date: December 29th 2009

Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - January 3rd 2010, 03:52 AM

1. How would you describe your current sexuality?
Bisexual-Lesbian: I am bisexual I am attracted to the opposite sex but i am not straight, not in the slightest, I prefer women oodles more!

2. At what age did you first start questioning?
Umm, I could say about quite honestly about age 10... maybe earlier... Not so sure I didn't realize my sexuality for many years...

3. What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I met the most wonderful woman of my life, I loved her I did. She opened my mind greatly...

4. When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
the summer between 6th and 7th grade...

5. How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I do not know, then again I cannot quite grasp the question, I suppose I still am, questioning my sexuality everyday.. some many things in my life right now are changing and what not I am not sure I really have...

6. When did "come out"
i never really did not face to face confronting of my folks... i told my brother last year... but my mother found out through a friend seeing my facebook profile... i have never lied on facebook about my sexuality and I never will!

7. How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
A few of my friends took time to get used to it, because of their upbringing they were against it and disgusted by it but they moved past that, well enough so to stay friends with me... my brother didnt mind, and my mother is jsut a story all her own... My school kinda F***ed me over and what not but who cares its high school i cant wait for college!

8. Any tips for those who are still questioning?
trust what your mind and heart say, and only that! Even if you never really know jsut be yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!

"If i'm going to fall, I'm going to fall on my own arse!"
- John Barrowman, "Anything goes; my autobiography"