Originally Posted by Xujhan
THANK YOU! I'm so glad someone actually thought to say this. There's a time and place for religious debate, but this isn't it.
Sparkles, what it really comes down to is this. No one knows one way or another about what you're asking. Some have said yes, obviously, others will say no. If you choose to follow a particular set of beliefs, ask someone who's well versed in those beliefs. If you choose to believe the bible, then read it. Personally though, I'd encourage you to decide what you believe yourself. Do you think god would hate you for having sex? Do you think god has any problem with sex in the first place? No one knows, so nothing makes a priest's or a philosopher's opinion any more correct or valid than your own.
Whatever you choose, just make sure that your beliefs make you happy. Always feeling miserable and inadequate is no way to live. Hope you're having a good day! 
I'm not debating, I am simply offering Biblical answers considering she is a believes the Bible.