Originally Posted by !!!YOU'RE$NUCKING$FUTZ!!!
Guess who's back, YourNightmare is back, tell a friend, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back... . New username though, got a bit tired of the nightmare one as this one has humour to it.
No, she does not have free will. Did she choose to be a female? Did she choose who her parents were going to be when she was born? She has constrained or restricted free will but not true free will.
Law? Since when were biblical verses law? I agree that according to the bible she should feel horrible but this assumes she believes the bible literally, including the part being referenced.
It's scarring for the simple reason that she entered this thread very unsure and insecure to a point where she adhered to whatever the other responses said. When one is this fragile and delicate, coming in and saying "Bahaha, you'll burn forever, god hates what you've done, you should feel ashamed for yourself, read this passage and this one and this one, all these show how you're horrible and should feel like a pile of shit", that's not something that will help her. She was obviously unsure about the passages regarding sex, specifically oral sex and when you bring your views into play in such a way, you have her adhere to them. Scarring may be too strong of a word but if you have a different word, feel free to share it.
I assume by "we" you mean Christians.
Excellent, so you're saying she cant do a single thing herself unless someone or something (i.e. Christ) comes in and lays out a trail of breadcrumbs. I don't really care what religion one adheres to, everyone is capable of saving themselves in certain situations, humans are not completely dependent on someone or something else.
It's a warped view of hope though.
Why not just help her out instead of leading her to Christ? I assume you found Christ on your own and so have many other beleivers, so I see no reason why she is incapable of doing the same thing herself.
Nice but false, god is a pretty hateful guy and since humans are technically all sinners, given that god hates sin and sinners, god hates everyone (although in some twisted way he loves everyone also).
The Jewish Old Testament laws. Christ came to set us free from the bondage of them and are referred to as laws several times through out the epistles. Though they were the oracles given to the Jews, all men are responsible for upholding the law and if you fail at any point you are a sinner and need forgiveness. By free will she has the ability to choose between right and wrong. In all respect sir, she came asking a question about the Bible, not mere mans interpretation of life and that is what I have given, if I do not warn her of what the Bible says that would make me a liar, but perhaps that is what I ought to do in your opinion. So could I simply tell her, "all is well with your soul," when in reality nothing could be further from the truth and the only fixation is in fact Christ? Would it not be horrible for me to not warn of impeding judgment for sins that will be suffered for eternity if not bandaged by faith in Christ? This would be a tragedy. When I say "we" I mean all people. Not just Christians. All people are hopeless apart from Christ and incapable of Heaven. Christ said Himself, "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me." I did not find Christ, He found me by sending a servant to me. I did not "accept" Christ, He accepted me through His death and resurrection and shutting me up through His school master, the law, and humbled me to the point where He made me realize through His Spirit that I deserve eternal punishment, but then seeing that Christ had fulfilled my punishment and apart from Him, I am doomed.