Originally Posted by Rican Roll
Where is Nightmare when you need him?
Guess who's back, YourNightmare is back, tell a friend, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back... . New username though, got a bit tired of the nightmare one as this one has humour to it.
Originally Posted by Michael.
Does she have free will? Absolutely.
No, she does not have free will. Did she choose to be a female? Did she choose who her parents were going to be when she was born? She has constrained or restricted free will but not true free will.
Originally Posted by Michael.
Should she feel horrible under the law? Absolutely.
Law? Since when were biblical verses law? I agree that according to the bible she should feel horrible but this assumes she believes the bible literally, including the part being referenced.
Originally Posted by Michael.
Am I telling her all is lost? NOT IN THE LEAST BIT. I am leading her to Christ which there is forgiveness for sins and no condemnation. Should you regret sin? Yes, you've grieved the heart of God. However, Christ was sent so that we are free from sin and the condemnation. How is this scarring? This indeed should bring great rejoicing.
It's scarring for the simple reason that she entered this thread very unsure and insecure to a point where she adhered to whatever the other responses said. When one is this fragile and delicate, coming in and saying "Bahaha, you'll burn forever, god hates what you've done, you should feel ashamed for yourself, read this passage and this one and this one, all these show how you're horrible and should feel like a pile of shit", that's not something that will help her. She was obviously unsure about the passages regarding sex, specifically oral sex and when you bring your views into play in such a way, you have her adhere to them. Scarring may be too strong of a word but if you have a different word, feel free to share it.
Originally Posted by Michael.
Are we hopeless? Without Christ, yes.
I assume by "we" you mean Christians.
Originally Posted by Michael.
Is she capable of saving her self? No.
Excellent, so you're saying she cant do a single thing herself unless someone or something (i.e. Christ) comes in and lays out a trail of breadcrumbs. I don't really care what religion one adheres to, everyone is capable of saving themselves in certain situations, humans are not completely dependent on someone or something else.
Originally Posted by Michael.
Don't get me wrong. I am not condemning her, but giving her hope.
It's a warped view of hope though.
Originally Posted by Michael.
Rican, I am not simply trying to help her, but lead her to Christ
Why not just help her out instead of leading her to Christ? I assume you found Christ on your own and so have many other beleivers, so I see no reason why she is incapable of doing the same thing herself.
Originally Posted by SuburbanTiger
as long as you are a good person i don't think God will hate you just for oral sex.
Nice but false, god is a pretty hateful guy and since humans are technically all sinners, given that god hates sin and sinners, god hates everyone (although in some twisted way he loves everyone also).