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Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Sex and Religion - December 31st 2009, 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by Rican Roll View Post
Where is Nightmare when you need him?

Michael, while you may be trying to help, this is your basic message to this poor girl:

"You can engage in sexual activities, but you should feel horrible about and resent and regret every action."

You DO realize that that is a mindset that will traumatize her, right? It would appear she is unsure of where she stands on the subject, and here you come force feeding negative connotations to her choices.

If she chooses to wait until marriage fine, but if waiting is not the choice she makes, she shouldn't have to completely scar herself for life by coming to hate herself and her sexual desires, which is what you're basically telling her to do.

Sparkles, make the decision that makes you happy and if it really becomes a problem for you, see your pastor or local religious leader or support group.
This is not my logic at all. Does she have free will? Absolutely. No one is going to force her to wait for the Biblical standards of marriage (not even I did, but God saved such a sinner as myself). God granted us free will to live righteously or sinfully. However, this does not negate that there are consequences for your actions. Should she feel horrible under the law? Absolutely. She disregarded God's holiness for sin. Have I done the same? Absolutely I have. Probably more so than her. Did not Paul himself say that he was the chief of all sinners? Paul went around murdering and imprisoning Christians, yet God saved him. David was a man after God's own heart and he was an adulterer and a murderer. Did David feel horrible about his actions? Absolutely. Read Psalms 51. God desires us to be broken hearted over our sin, this is why David was a man over God's own heart. Unless one sees that they are truly helpless they will not come to Christ. Am I telling her all is lost? NOT IN THE LEAST BIT. I am leading her to Christ which there is forgiveness for sins and no condemnation. Should you regret sin? Yes, you've grieved the heart of God. However, Christ was sent so that we are free from sin and the condemnation. How is this scarring? This indeed should bring great rejoicing.

Read Psalms 30, 51, 139. There should be great weeping over sin. This is why Christ died for us. It is so offensive to God that He sent His Son to die for us. Are we hopeless? Without Christ, yes. Is she capable of saving her self? No. She simply has to trust in Christ and the sufficiency of the cross and trust that God's grace is capable of forgiving her sins just as it was capable of saving mine, David's, and Paul's... and any other Christian for that matter. Don't get me wrong. I am not condemning her, but giving her hope. Whether you choose to be angry at this message or not is your choice. Few actually choose to listen to it, Paul was in fact stoned for sharing such a message. I am not condemning her, no, but giving her hope in the sufficiency of Christ's blood who died for her and apart from Him there is no salvation.

Rican, I am not simply trying to help her, but lead her to Christ.

So Izzie, please see that your sorrow is needed, but look to Christ, see His sufficiency. Your sin is deserving of judgment, as was mine. But Christ paid that penalty so you don't have to and any pride in yourself to bring about salvation will not save you. You are hopeless without Christ, but because He died you are free. Cling to the cross as Augustus Toplady did:
Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to the cross I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Savior, or I die.