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Re: What's the difference between circumcision and being uncircumcised? - December 31st 2009, 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by Jack View Post
Well I'm going to assume you live in America yes? In America the majority of males are circumcised. Due to this many American's seem to think of an uncircumcised penis as disgusting merely because it's different and they've been brought up to think having a piece of your penis sliced off is a good thing.

I have a girlfriend in America, she didnt think it was weird, She just asked how it worked, which is pretty much the same.

Although we devided if we had kids, circumcised is the way, but this is probably due to my earlier issues with phimosis

Originally Posted by Double X View Post

Speaking from personal experience, I had phimosis when I was 11/12 and they gave me some steroid cream and it fixed itself shortly after. Being circumcised to avoid phimosis is not really worth it at all, considering how much nerve endings you lose and how easy it is to cure.
It mayy have been easy for you, but for me i went trough 3 years of near depression because of it, and i hate doctors and was so scared to do dont assume its easy, yes the cure is easy but people react differently