Originally Posted by ~*sparkles*~
so just to start off im Catholic. i recently got into my first relationship because of it and because of some of the things we did a few nights ago i got into thinking about sex and my religion. idk what to believe anymore. like i always thought all kinds of sex and pleasuring was bad and against religon. although i know alot of people who are religious and yet have sex...some of them alot. but it just got me wondering.....is oral sex against my religon? like will it make god hate me?
I'm not sure if you're familiar with Dan Dennet but if you aren't, during one of his talks he mentioned something that is both very common and likely true when it comes to religion, such as Christianity. I'll use the same example he did because it illustrates it very well. He put up a sentence in Turkish and not knowing Turkish he told the audience that the sentence was true. He said he got a collegue of his who is Turkish to write a sentence in Turkish that is truthful but to NOT tell him what it means nor translates to.
The reason I'm mentioning this is because of how you were influenced by Michael. and possibly others, with the idea that someone says something and although you may not understand it, you agree with it anyways. The point is, you don't need to rely on what others tell you about the belief you adhere to in order to make your decisions. I know you want to anyways for reassurance and confusion but this is something you ideally need to figure out yourself. This is not to mean that you shouldn't talk to others about it but rather that you shouldn't be influenced by one person even if you don't quite agree or understand the concepts.
Religion is highly subjective and you have no need to take the same subjective interpretations someone gives you as being "the word" or the way you should interpret it. It's fine having two people give two different interpretations of the same passage but it's not fine if a person instantly adheres to the interpretation one of them gives without doing much consideration themselves.
But just for the hell of it, I'll play game. Is oral sex a sin? Doesn't matter because according to the bible, you're off to hell anyways unless you repent, ask for forgiveness, etc... . Will God hate you? Yes. If you read the bible, especially the Old Testament, he has no problem hating or killing. In fact, he's a pretty angry and sadistic god even to those who believe in him, so I'd have to say, yes he'd probably be pretty pissed off at you but then again he tends to be pretty pissed off with other believers so you're no exception. In fact, it's reasonable enough to say he would hate you already ignoring the oral sex. Alternatively, in the bible it generally says he hates the actions people do and not necessarily the believers, so you can take that approach to it. Either way though, he's hateful to you or your actions or both.
With all that said, DON'T go into fear thinking god will hate you and so forth.