Well I'll answer sparkles first.
Originally Posted by ~*sparkles*~
one more thing. if just thinking about someone sexually is a sin isnt kissing and making out lustful and therefore sinful? so isnt EVERYONE going to hell? because i have not known one person in my entire life to get married to someone without ever kissing them before hand
Sparkles go on and read my response to Union, as it may help you understand more aswell.
However, first of all the verse you are talking about was indeed a law of the old testament covenant, we are no longer under that law, but under grace (Romans 6:14). God designed the previous laws for specific reasons, not all clarified, however, it was more or less to keep His chosen people safe and He demanded perfection in order that He could be among His people.
However... again I go more into this on the response of Unions post, you should feel horrible as if you have no choice but to go to hell. This is the point of the law. It is to lead us to Christ. If you truly feel horrible look upon Christ. Jesus says in John 3:14 that just as Moses lifted the serpent up in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. The snake in the old testament was one Moses put in place so that if anyone were bitten by a snake, they would look upon the snake and be healed. In order to be cleansed from our sins we must trust in Christ sacrifice. Look at John 3:14, Jesus says the Son of Man
MUST be lifted up. It wasn't an option. Christ was needed because we could not save ourselves. Christ died in place for your sins so that this guilt and condemnation you are feeling is put away with. Christ satisfied the wrath of God and when you believe this you will be saved and when you believe this you will repent and you will no longer want these sexual things because you'll want to commit your spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1) by obedience to Christ because He died for you and took the punishment that you deserve. Nothing you can do will save you, the only thing that can is the precious blood of Christ that He spilled out for you so that you can not only escape hell but be in a relationship with the living God forever. If you believe this open a bible to Psalms 51 pray this to God and cry out for mercy on your soul for the countless sins you have committed against Him and to God thank Him for His Son to save you from your sins. Christ died while we were sinners in order that we can be reconciled with Him. There is literally nothing you can do to be saved. Just trust Christ sufficiency and the Bible promises we will not be put to shame. Don't fear, UNLESS you continue in your sin without remorse, because then it is evident that you are more than likely not saved... just rest in the finished work of Christ and praise Him... repent from your sins for what He has done.
Originally Posted by Union Of V
You see I have a sort of problem with this sort of literal reading of the bible. If looking lustfully at someone (which is something all of us have done at some point) amounts to adultery, then you effectively belittle every sin committable. I mean, you could also take the rest literally: It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. (Matthew 5:31)
But then a lot of people would be queuing up for hell, wouldn't they? Not to mention the implicit suggestion that a woman's actions are the consequences of her husband's decisions...
A lot of people? Everyone is queuing up for hell because all have sinned (Romans 6:23). Salvation is NOT based on works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Everyone is on their way to hell unless they repent and believe that Jesus satisfied the Fathers wrath and when you believe (John 3:16) your sins will be pardoned (Hebrews 8:12). Any other way into Heaven is impossible because the LORD is so righteous that no one can achieve His demands of perfection to be holy just as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Therefore God satisfied His wrath to reconcile sinners to Himself to all who believe. So to answer your question, everyone is going to hell unless they repent and believe (Mark 1:15). The good works produce once you are saved because you realize how gracious God was to save you so you desire NOT to sin, but not sinning will never save you. The law is perfect in converting the soul (Psalms 19:7) and serves only as a school master to lead people to Christ so that we realize it is by faith (Galatians 3:24) in Christ that we are saved and not works.
The reason why they are directed at women is because He was talking to the Pharisees which were all men. Women back then did not have an equal standing with men in society, so although they are directed at the husbands decisions it works likewise both ways. Paul says later on in his letter to the church in Corinth that if one or the other is an unbeliever than you are not bound to these standards. He even says that if the man wants to go and the wife is a believer and the man isn't, that the wife should let him go (1 Corinthians 7).
Also even in standard English we refer to a person as he or she when we are referring to someone. If I were to say for example, "My classmate lost their pencil." This would be improper for it should say, "My classmate lost
his pencil." There are some threats such as "If any man looks at a woman in lust he has committed adultery in his heart." Now does this means women are excluded from the statement? Not at all. It can be implied that even if a woman looks at a man in lust that she has become an adulteress in her heart. It's important to look at who the commands were directed at and why. The Bible isn't written to us specifically but it is written for us. For example, if I wrote a note to someone saying "I am going to kill you on such and such a day." Now, this person is going to give this note to the police to warn them and hopefully get a response from them. The same is with the Bible, though it is not written directly to us by the Authors, God designed it to be for us. So when you read the Bible it's important to understand the full context and not just the verse.
I also looked up what someone (John MacArthur) had to say on this verse, he is very knowledgeable when it comes to expository teaching, probably one of the best out there.
He says, "The assumption is that divorced people will remarry. If the divorce was not for sexual immorality, any remarriage is adultery, because God does not acknowledge the divorce." Then He says to see more on divorce see 1 Corinthians 7:15 note, so I am going to include that as well:
1 Corinthians 7:15
Yet if the unbelieving one leaves, let him leave; the brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us to peace. (NASB)
MacArthurs Notes:
let him leave. A term referring to divorce (cf. vv. 10,11). When an unbelieving spouse cannot tolerate the partner's faith and wants a divorce, it is best to let that happen in order to preserve peace in the family (cf.
Ro 12:18). The bond of marriage is broken only by death (
Ro 7:2), adultery (Mt 19:9), or an unbeliever's leaving.
not under bondage. When the bond is broken in any of those ways, a Christian is free to marry another believer. Throughout Scripture, whenever legitimate divorce occurs, remarriage is assumed. When divorce is permitted, so is remarriage. By implication, the permission for a widow to remarry (vv. 39,40;
Ro 7:3) because the "bond" is broken, extends to this case where there is no more "bondage."
Although I'm not a fan on letting the Gospels interpret other gospels, when you look at the cross reference to that Matthew passage it becomes apparent that Jesus was referring to remarriage.