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Scepticism With A Tail
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Re: Sex and Religion - December 29th 2009, 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by Michael. View Post
I am not Catholic but Jesus said that if you even look at someone with lust that you committed adultery in your heart (Matthew 5:28)...
You see I have a sort of problem with this sort of literal reading of the bible. If looking lustfully at someone (which is something all of us have done at some point) amounts to adultery, then you effectively belittle every sin committable. I mean, you could also take the rest literally:
It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. (Matthew 5:31)
But then a lot of people would be queuing up for hell, wouldn't they? Not to mention the implicit suggestion that a woman's actions are the consequences of her husband's decisions...