Originally Posted by his_quirkiness
EDIT: Never mind about the appointment with the doctor, it's not happening. It's ok, though, CompassionateSoul is correct regarding the hormones and body hair and Craig, as I said, could very well be correct on this just being how my body is. And I checked the numbers regarding my penis again and everything is closer to average than I thought, so I'm not so worried over it anymore. If nothing has changed in terms of the body hair and I'm still worried over it a long while from now, I may go see a doctor. Until then, I'll just chill over it. Thanks again for all of your replies everyone.
Hi Trysten!!
Boy am I glad I took the time to reread this message thread. Otherwise I might have missed your 'EDIT'.
I'm glad to hear that you're not so worried over it anymore. Just hearing that - and knowing that - made me feel a whole lot better. AND I'm glad to hear that everything in the 'private parts department' is OK after all!! [It always was OK - but now YOU know it too!!]
Just so you know - I have suffered with anxiety problems for most of my life. It's not fun - that's for sure. What I suffer from most of all is something I call 'anticipatory anxiety'. I am often crippled with worry about what MIGHT happen. This - of course - all comes from the fact that I grew up in a very dysfunctional family where the next awful moment was assured - but you never knew what was going to happen or when it was going to happen. [My dad was far too often an emotionally abusive alcoholic and I was bullied a lot at school and so on] I'm telling you all of this just in case you might want to talk to me about what you are going through. If you do - feel free to
pm me anytime about anything.