To girls:
I like this girl and would like to gift her jewlery for her birthday. Not that I would want to "buy her" or impress her. Just something that would last long and look nice.
She showd up always when Im having party with someone she doesnt know about. Always picks up the phone etc. I talked her about it and she hinted she likes me but she wants cople weeks and after that she can be with me. However in cople weeks theres her birthday aswell and I really hope expensive gift wont leave her impression that Im trying to buy her or show off.
Would you get scared away if gift you get for your birthday is way too expensive? I mean 200 - 300$ ? Counting that you never yet dated or even kissed person who is gifting it
I personally would like jewerly, but I think that if it was under a $100 I would be fine with it too. Maybe save the more expensive stuff until you are going out.