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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Name: Michael
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Re: So confused about religion. D= - December 7th 2009, 05:22 AM

I think it's important to look at it like this. If there is only one truth as to how the world came into existence then there is a possibility many are wrong on their choice for religion or beliefs. Ultimately it's not a matter of what suites you, but what is true... and this is my honest opinion. I would rather be RIGHT in what I believe than to be WRONG in what I believe but comfortable with it. For example, say I thought food was bad for you, so I stop eating food all together. Eventually I am going to die of starvation but because somehow I can go without eating and be comfortable with it and believe that it will prolong my life, I choose to not eat. I may be comfortable with my decision, but I will be wrong and there will be a consequence for being wrong... I will die early.

So if there is a religion or belief that is ultimately truthful, you should find out what that religion is and then mold yourself to those beliefs rather than molding your beliefs to suit you. Because who knows, there may be a penalty for being wrong.

Now personally, I am Christian -- there are several books that back up their claims, and I would encourage you to read them and start attending a church, but it's ultimately your choice. The whole "teenager" thing, trying to find yourself thing... well what you believe will determine how you live, will it not? If I believe my moral decisions effect my eternity won't that motivate me to live differently than if I am solely focused on this life? So it's not a matter of finding out who you are, but finding out what you believe and what the purpose of this life is. Once you determine this, it will direct your life. You are TODAY what you will be TOMORROW. Every decision we make effects us, so if you wait till you "find yourself", you'll never find yourself.

I'm not trying to discourage you or anything so don't take it that way, just think about what I said and if I can be of help at all just PM me.