Re: So confused about religion. D= -
December 7th 2009, 01:41 AM
well i can see where your confused.
but the best way to see whats best
for you is to give them all a chance.
i'm christian. im not going to pressure
you into being christian lol. but i believe
in God because i found a church that
got me...understood me and was my
type of pace and enviroment.
i hated church and didnt really believe cuz
of all the stories of christians being pushy
and judgemental and alot of other people.
but no religion is perfect because everyone
isnt perfect.
just go to different churches and speak to
different types of religious people and see
if any of them catch your interest. being confused
or feeling lost is just takes time to
find what you feel is best for you.
good luck in your journey. ;]
History is His story. - A Purpose Driven Life.
(By the way. Need anyone to talk to? my
yahoo messenger is open 24/7. feel free
to im me. ;])