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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - December 3rd 2009, 10:42 PM

I don't know if I count, seeing as I still don't really have a clue.

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Um... Gay. Gay as a boy and as a girl. Right this very second that is what I am saying I am. I can't really decide... Bi I guess, but its more my masculine thoughts go towards boys and my feminine ones to girls.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?

I dunno. I may have been for a long time or just since grade 9. I'm very 'go with the flow' and cool with everything- so I never really noticed.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Long conversations with one of my good friends (more than one actually), a crush on a few girls, dating a boy, life? I don't know how to answer that~ ^^

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

None really yet. I have joked with female friends, and I had a year (maybe 2?) or so long crush on a female friend (who identifies as a man). Umm... None yet I'll say because I can't think of one.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

I don't know for sure. I still haven't concluded, maybe cause I really don't know for sure or the finality of it.

6.When did "come out"
I haven't really yet I don't think. A few people know because of strange questions I ask them, but I don't think I'll 'come out' just yet (or maybe ever)- Just being is fun

7.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?

Nope~ Not that I've noticed

8.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Just go with it, roll with it have fun- don't let people get you down. Thats it really ^^;;