Re: Cant Get Pregnant? -
November 30th 2009, 10:49 PM
Well since you haven't actually been trying.. I wouldn't worry about it.
Lots of women I know have said when they worried about it, nothing happened.. but when they relaxed and had sex just to do it and have fun.. BAM baby in the oven.
There's also a way to check your fertile peak by measuring your vaginal discharge. (usually your peak is when your discharge is think and stretches around 1 inch i think it was.. not sure but I can ask my lady friends again if you'd like)
I would just suggest having sex constantly every day without fail. Just do it. :P
.:6:21 a.m.:.
.:Logan Jacob:.
Baby HunterComing 7/12/14
My Everything
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Let Go Laughing
"It took a pair of soft blue eyes, and a smile so sweet.. to make me reach up high, and really dig down deep.."
